Wednesday, July 28, 2010


The founder of Wikileaks, Julian Assange made an explosive charge during an interview with Fox's Andrew Napolitano, saying that he presented the documents relative to the war in Afghanistan, to the White House prior to releasing them but got no response. In predictable fashion, the White House denied it - as they do virtually everything else. When clarity was sought from Assange, he indicated that the New York Times served as an intermediary between the two.

If true, it would mean that the Obama administration was aware that these documents might get released but did nothing pre-emptively to stop it. In light of the revelations this week that the White House also looked the other way when it came to the release of the Lockerbie bomber, Obama should explain himself.

Was this a crisis that was to be exploited by the White House, as a reason to justify the internet kill switch legislation Joe Lieberman is sponsoring?

If Assange is telling the truth, this is a big deal.

Via Impeach Obama Campaign:

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