Friday, July 9, 2010


A mosque in Marietta, GA was set afire earlier this week. Almost immediately, the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) issued a press release, jumping to the conclusion that it was a hate crime. However, less than 48 hours after the fire, police had found their man. His name? Tasmir Lucien Mendy, a Muslim. Not only is Mendy a Muslim but he attended the mosque that he set fire to. Wouldn't you love to know the motive? If it was intended to enflame tensions by staging what looked like a hate crime, isn't that as bad, if not worse than an actual hate crime?

Kind of reminds you of what certain groups on the left like to do at Tea Parties, posing as racist protesters. This is not an uncommon tactic of enemies to the west. Take note.

Check out what CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper had to say before Mendy was arrested.
“Given the recent wave of incidents targeting American mosques, a possible bias motive for this apparent arson attack must be considered,” said CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper. “Unfortunately, there is a vocal minority in our society promoting anti-Muslim bigotry, and that minority is experiencing little or no pushback from mainstream religious and political leaders.”
Here is the video report, courtesy of WSBTV:

h/t to JWF and Jawa

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