Friday, July 9, 2010


J. Christian Adams resigned from his gig at the Department of Justice, in part, over what he described as a corrupt decision not to prosecute the Black Panthers for voter intimidation outside a Philadelphia polling station on election day, 2008. Now he is levying what very well could be a much more serious charge. It has to do with a directive handed down by Deputy Assistant Attorney General Julie Fernandez. Adams said she told a group of up to 50 people that the DOJ would not be enforcing Section 8 of the Motor Voter law.

According to Adams, Section 8 is designed to ensure the integrity of voter roles, known as the "dead, duplicates, and ineligible" provision. His claim is that Fernandez informed the department that Section 8 was not to be enforced. If Adams' claims are accurate, one that really caught my attention as being patently absurd from Fernandez is the notion that the provision prevented access to the ballot box.

A must see.

h/t to Hot Air

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