Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Remember Rashid Khalidi, Obama's buddy from Columbia University, who wants worked for an arm of the Palestine Liberation Organization? Do you remember when the L.A. Times refused to release a video in its possession that showed Obama at a banquet with Khalidi in 2003? Yeah, that Rashid Khalidi. Now we learn that Khalidi has signed onto an appeal for funds to subsidize a boat and its crew for the purpose of breaking Israel's Gaza blockade.

The name given to the boat? Audacity of Hope.

Via the Washington Post:
Rashid Khalidi, a friend of President Obama's active in Palestinian causes, has signed an appeal for funds to send to Gaza an aid ship that would be named after the president's best-selling book, "The Audacity of Hope."

A group calling itself U.S. Boat to Gaza is seeking $370,000 in the next month to send the ship in an effort to thwart the Israeli blockade on the Palestinian enclave controlled by the militant group Hamas.
To refresh your memories on the incident before the 2008 election involving the L.A. Times suppressing the Obama / Khalidi video, click HERE.

As for the latest story, read it all.

h/t to Jawa Report

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