Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I must say, this is one of those moments when Glenn Beck shines. On July 19th, a two and a half minute video clip of then Georgia Director of Rural Development, Shirley Sherrod, surfaced on the internet. In it, she is speaking at an NAACP Awards Banquet last March and relays a story about how she didn't help a white farmer as much as she could have because of his skin color. Within hours of the video going viral, Sherrod was forced to resign her position within the USDA.

It appeared to many - myself included - that this was an open and shut case of racism. But was it? Sherrod went on CNN and explained how she was relating a twenty year old story that helped open her eyes and see things differently. Bolstering her claim was the fact that the wife of the farmer she is seen discussing in the speech publicly supports her for having helped them.

Interestingly, the NAACP, which originally supported the decision to force Sherrod out, issued a statement in the wake of these new revelations saying they were "snookered" by Andrew Breitbart and Fox News. Rather than accepting responsibility or admitting a mistake was made, the NAACP blames others for jumping to conclusions itself. It's just simply too difficult for leftwing bodies to admit making mistakes or being wrong.

A very interesting dynamic may be at work here. A black woman is rejected by a black organization and publicly shamed but the two people who most come to her defense are Glenn Beck - the left's most despised personality on Fox - and the white farmer's wife.

One last thing before watching this video segment with Beck. Regardless of Sherrod's innocence or guilt, based on its own standards set forth in the NAACP resolution, calling the Tea Party movement racist, the NAACP should have to answer for the crowd's apparent audible support of Sherrod's tale of discrimination before they knew it was a tale of enlightenment.

h/t to Hot Air

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