Monday, July 12, 2010


Actually, this story was published by the Washington Times on July 31st, 2009 but in light of recent events surrounding the New Black Panther Party (NBPP) case, it's taking on added significance. Until now, King Samir Shabazz has been the larger focus - he's the guy who, on election day 2008, wielded the night stick. He's also the one caught on tape advocating the murder of white people and their babies. But what about that other poll watcher? The taller Panther without the night stick is Jerry Jackson.

What King Samir said for the National Geographic cameras in January of 2009 about killing "crackers" and "their babies", Jackson apparently said on his MySpace page.

Via the Washington Times:
Mr. Jackson's MySpace page still lists one of his main "general interests" as "Killing Crakkkas." Four days after the Justice Department dropped the complaint against Mr. Jackson, he again was named an official election poll watcher for the Democratic primary in Philadelphia's municipal election. How convenient.
Until now, Samir Shabazz has been getting far more attention but Jerry Jackson may be getting dragged into the fray as well. That can't be good news for NBPP leader Malik Zulu Shabazz.

Via Gateway Pundit, it appears Jackson has been reinstated as a Democratic poll watcher.

Check out this video of Rick Levanthal of Fox News interviewing Jerry Jackson on November 4th, 2008 after King Samir left. This is definitely worth watching. To see the exchange between Levanthal and Black Panther Jerry Jackson, fast forward to the 2:50 mark. It's rather entertaining.

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