Monday, July 12, 2010


Definitely an interview worth watching. Geraldo confronts New Black Panther Party Leader Malik Zulu Shabazz, going toe to toe for twenty minutes. When Rivera asks Shabazz about the other Shabazz - King Samir - and his exhorting black people to kill white people and their babies, Malik defends Samir as his brother. Geraldo then asks him how he can stand with someone who believes that. Malik's response is that he's more concerned about saving black babies. It should be obvious to anyone that Malik believes as Samir does but doesn't view it as expedient to express those beliefs. The fact that Malik is not repulsed by those words confirms it.

Remember what Glenn Beck quotes from Van Jones' now infamous line: "Drop the radical pose for the radical ends." Malik understands this and knows King Samir forgot to drop that radical pose. The fact that Malik still considers Samir a "brother" and part of his organization speaks volumes as well.

One other note about Malik. There is a video of him that surfaced on July 8th claiming there is a conspiracy at Fox News to keep him off that network. Since then, he's appeared on both Megyn Kelly's show and now Geraldo - both on Fox.

If there's one critique of Geraldo's performance, it's his defense of Al Sharpton but otherwise, he did an excellent job in this interview.




h/t to HAPBLOG

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