Saturday, July 24, 2010


Talk about a different perspective. As the Obama administration continues to attack the private sector, former White House Green Jobs czar, Van Jones is publicly advocating an increased dose. Under Obama, the United States is seeing record deficits. Van Jones's solution? Take the money from big companies. Jones is no longer in the Obama administration but he is still over at John Podesta's Center for American Progress, which seems to be a primary source for policy ideas at the White House.

Via the Daily Caller:
“This is a rich country. We have plenty of money, and if you don’t believe me, ask Haliburton,” Jones told a group of progressive bloggers and activists at the Netroots Nation convention Friday. “There’s plenty of money out there; don’t fall into the trap of this whole deficit argument.”

“The only question is how to spend it,” he added.
I found this particular quote rather interesting as well...
“I can’t stand it,” Jones said of criticism of Obama from the Left. “President Obama volunteered to be the captain of the Titanic after it hit the iceberg.”
They're really getting all the mileage they can out of that "Blame Bush" strategy, aren't they.

Read it all.

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