Saturday, July 24, 2010


Former head of the House Ways and Means Committee, Charlie Rangel has done the impossible. He's done something so egregious that the Democrats appear to be willing to throw him under the bus. Not only that but he is held accountable in this exchange by an NBC reporter - Luke Russert, son of the late Tim Russert. I am not that familiar with the younger Russert's work but based on what I've been reading, he leans strongly to the left.

You wouldn't know it here, though. He gets under Rangel's skin so much that the congressman from New York actually accuses the network Russert works for as being an illegitimate news source.

Welcome to the club, Charlie.

And here's the added bonus of Rangel telling Jason Mattera to mind his "G**D**N" business. I just knew this would have staying power.

h/t to Free Republic

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