Sunday, August 1, 2010


And you thought things only recently started sounding insane. This exchange is truly amazing. In 1999, then Senator Rick Santorum (R) of Pennsylvania engaged California Senator Barbara Boxer in a debate on the Senate floor over the issue of partial birth abortion. Boxer was presented with a premise from Santorum in which he appeared almost apoplectic at her response. Santorum wanted to start with the common ground any rational thinking human being would agree to.

If a baby is delivered and is fully separated from the mother, that baby should have the right to live and that an abortion at that point would actually be murder. Surely, Boxer would agree with that. Uh, not so much. Her argument appeared to be that the baby doesn't have the right to live until it leaves the hospital.

This video really should end all abortion debate and Boxer is clearly in the camp of endorsing murder. We're not even talking semantics at this point. Boxer supports murder.

Via Verum Serum.

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