Monday, August 2, 2010


If nothing else, Representative Pete Stark (D-CA) serves as a good barometer for what members of congress are really thinking. Unlike the savvy spinmeisters, Stark usually blurts out the most absurd things without running his thoughts through a filter. That's both good and bad but it at least provides the American people a look inside the corrupt sewer that is our government. In this case, he says the Federal Government can do anything it wants.

Perhaps most disturbing is his reaction to how well that statement goes over with the people at his July 24th town hall. As the crowd predictably boos loudly, the woman who asked the original question tells Stark that he and people that think like he does are "destroying this nation". He's almost nodding in agreement, with a look that says, "Yeah, so what?" He then thanks her for making him feel comfortable. He seems so calm, it almost seemed like he wasn't kidding.

Note to people who attend town halls and want to ask questions. Please be concise and try not to read from notes; it detracts from the passion we all know you feel.

Via Dittos-Rush:

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