Wednesday, August 25, 2010


In February of 2010, Ground Zero mosque Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf was heard on an Egyptian radio interview. Former Muslim terrorist, Walid Shoebat discovered the interview and combed through it, translating the Arabic into English and perhaps the most explosive discovery is that, according to Rauf, parts of Barack Obama's 2009 Cairo speech were taken directly from Rauf's book. If so, such a revelation could help to explain why Obama has come out in support of the Cordoba Initiative's desire to build the mosque.

Here is the relevant portion of the transcript, courtesy of Web Today, which also links to the AUDIO of Rauf making this claim. Please take note of a very important point. In the audio clip, you will hear Rauf mistakenly (or was it) refer to the Cairo speech being given by Bush. He appears to have been referring to Obama as the two other people with him appear to correct him by saying, "Obama".
“We have to look at it [as] how to engineer solutions. At the Cordova Initiative we think of ourselves as an engineering shop. Yes. We have an analytical approach. Our work has been that. IN THE BOOK CHAPTER 6, I WROTE ABOUT THIS BLUE PRINT as to WHAT HAS TO BE DONE BY THE U.S. GOVERNMENT, what has to be done by the Jewish community, what has to be done by the Christian community, what has to be done by the Muslim community, what has to be done by educators, what has to be done by the media. For example, IN MY BOOK IN THE ARABIC VERSION page 293, what did I write? WHAT ARE THE THINGS THAT THE UNITED STATES NEEDS TO DO. IF YOU EXAMINE THIS CHAPTER YOU WILL FIND THAT THE (OBAMA) SPEECH IN CAIRO WAS ALL TAKEN FROM THIS SECTION [Section 6]. When you do a job that is very complicated. You ask yourself, what have you accomplished. All these problems can be solved but requires the will to solve it. It requires political will, resources and the right focus. The signs of how to go to the moon was known 200 years ago, but the political will and financial will for it happened during 1960-1961. When John Kennedy said that we will send an American to the moon before the end of the 60’s, he established the financial resources and the political will.”
That's not all. How about this excerpt from Rauf's interview, in which he discusses Obama's Cairo speech:
“The speech was wonderful and wise in his choice of words, the Prime Minister of Malaysia after the speech disclosed to me that it is now easy for any president of a Muslim country to establish good relations with America, and I AM NOT GOING TO HIDE FROM YOU THAT ONE OF THOSE WHO PARTICIPATED IN WRITING THE SPEECH, TRANSFERRED ENTIRE PARTS OF MY BOOK ‘A NEW VISION FOR MUSLIMS AND THE WEST’, which he referred to U.S. interests being compatible with top interests of the Muslim world”.
Wouldn't you like to know who Rauf is talking about there? Someone who participated in writing the speech transferred "entire parts" of Rauf's book into that speech?

I found this next excerpt very interesting for a number of reasons:
His (Rauf's) suggestion to Muslims on how to deal with western Christians and Jews was:

“deal with them as one courts a pretty girl he wants to date; stop thinking like a typical Muslim. Then you can engage.”
Might that strategy explain this reaction?

Read it all - Shocking.

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