Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I almost didn't post this because of the consistently strong language throughout on the part of a far left, unhinged whacko who supports construction of the ground zero mosque. He's not necessarily a whacko for supporting the mosque but he is a certifiable one for cursing out an 83 year-old holocaust survivor who opposes it. If you could encapsulate what is wrong with the left in this country, this should do it. Furthermore, if there's a video clip heavy on profanity that should be shown, it's this one.

Apologies in advance but this one deserves to be posted so you can see how far some of these morons will go to push their vitriol. At one point, this guy even tells the older man that he hadn't learned his lesson.

This nut had the gall to accuse a holocaust survivor of advocating doing to Muslims what Hitler did to the Jews. Obviously lost on him was that the Nazis and the Muslims were on the same side in WWII and shared a common enemy - the Jews.

Via Breitbart

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