Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I hope you have a chance to tune in to the Lynn Woolley show on Thursday, August 12th beginning at 8:05am CST. I will be sitting in for the Secretary of Logic. Join me as we talk about my conversation with an Arizona State Senator about how U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton may have illegally ruled on Arizona SB 1070 because of Article III, Section 2, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution.

There is also a very explosive development unfolding in the Rifqa Bary case as well as a verbatim translation of an arabic interview given by Ground Zero mosque Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf you will not believe.

To listen to the show LIVE, you can go to Lynn's WEBSITE or click on the "STREAMING LIVE" link on my homepage.

At 8:30am CST, I'll be talking with the singer of THE BEST Tea Party song so far - Krista Branch, who will be performing right here in Temple, TX on August 19th at the Frank Mayborn Civic & Convention Center on August 19th at 6pm. Admission is Free. Krista will also be at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. on 8/28.

Here are her latest two songs...

I Am America...

Remember Who We Are...

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