Wednesday, August 11, 2010


This one sent in by Barrackaid #45. There are three camps when it comes to Americans and how they view the construction of the Ground Zero mosque. Camp #1 consists of people who see it as an overt symbol of conquest, with countless examples of historical parallels in Mecca, Syria, Jerusalem, and Cordoba - the Ground Zero mosque's namesake. Camp #2 is made up of those still asleep - the ESPN crowd is an example. Camp #3 consists of the leftwing apologists who refuse to see the truth out of pride or an unwitting alliance with the enemies of western civilization.

Pick someone you know from Camp #2 and make them watch this. You can move them into camp #1.

One quick note before watching. The man in this video talks about how Muslims are permitted to lie. The term for it is Taqiyya. There is another relevant term as well and it refers to why Muslims enter into treaties. That term is known as Hudna and the motives are not to gain peace but concessions and strength until such time as the treaty can be broken and the opposition conquered.

For some reason, this song came to mind....

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