Saturday, August 7, 2010


Something tells me this Ground Zero mosque protest in New York City on September 11th could be much larger than anyone is expecting. Dutch politician Geert Wilders is certain to help in that effort. Dutch News is reporting that Wilders - after seeing his party make significant gains in recent elections there - will be speaking at the rally.

Via DutchNews:
Geert Wilders is to speak at the rally being held in New York on September 11 to protest at plans to build a mosque close to the site of Ground Zero, the PVV said on Friday.

The rally is being organised by a group called Stop Islamization Of America which says it is wrong to build a mosque so close to the place where some 3,000 died when Islamic extremists flew two planes into the World Trade centre.
It's pretty sad that a Dutch politician with real guts is coming to America to defend against a monument being built to Islamic conquest near ground zero while that city's mayor, Michael Bloomberg is the epitome of cowardice.

Sad. Very sad.

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