Friday, August 6, 2010


Do you remember that nice young lady from Columbus, OH who made the news one year ago shortly after her 17th birthday? Rifqa Bary converted from Islam to Christianity and fled from her parents, finding safety in Orlando, FL. Her parents demanded her return. She pleaded with America not to let that happen.

Her fate was tenuous for nearly the entire year. At one point, she was ordered back to Columbus. Now we have a judge saying that it will not be possible for Rifqa to be returned to her parents before her 18th birthday:
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- A juvenile court judge in Columbus, Ohio, has granted a runaway Christian convert's request to declare reunion with her Muslim parents impossible, paving the way for the girl to fight deportation.

Magistrate Mary Goodrich said Thursday that reconciliation between Rifqa Bary and her parents isn't possible before she turns 18 on Tuesday. Goodrich also said it's not in the girl's best interest to return her to her native Sri Lanka.
The teenager has been battling cancer this year and is also an illegal immigrant. What does it say about us pro-illegal immigration enforcement conservatives that we want to prevent Bary from being deported?

Answer that one, liberals.

More on Rifqa's story, which started last year, HERE.

h/t to Jawa

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