Thursday, August 26, 2010


If you were told that a Muslim cabbie in Manhattan was stabbed by a deranged man over the ground zero mosque, you'd think it'd be a story tailor made for the leftwing media. What story could better demonstrate how that rabid right wing is totally out of control? Matthews and Olbermann should be salivating.

Small problem. The Muslim cabbie is against construction of the mosque and his attacker appears to support it.

Via the New York Post:
...the alleged attacker, Michael Enright, worked with an organization that very much favors the project.

For another, the cabby, Ahmed Sharif, says he's opposed to it -- though Sharif does say that he's worried that debate over the planned project might have played a role in the attack.
Interesting similarity between this incident and the firebombing of the office of Rep. Russ Carnahan (D-MO), huh? The perpetrator was a Carnahan staffer.

h/t to Free Republic

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