Thursday, August 26, 2010


People continue asking why Hillary Clinton is not speaking out about the ground zero mosque but when the Assistant Secretary of State speaks officially, it's as if Clinton is saying the words herself - unless that Assistant is fired. P.J. Crowley appears to be speaking for the State Department, which would mean he's also speaking for Hillary Clinton here. Crowley made news back in May, when he defended Michael Posner, another Assistant Secretary apologized for Arizona to the Chinese. In an awesome exchange, O'Reilly slammed Crowley over it.

Crowley is back, only this time he's defending Ground Zero mosque Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, who said that America has more blood on its hands than al Qaeda. It's a short clip so be sure to watch all the way to the end as Crowley's argument is that Rauf's words were taken out of context. Small problem P.J. There are plenty of clips from Rauf that corroborate this comment.

Via Gateway Pundit

Perhaps Crowley should explain the 30 minute interview Rauf did on Egyptian radio and then try to say it was taken out of context.

More interesting things about Crowley... His bio lists him as being a former member of the Soros-funded / Podesta led Center for American Progress.
Philip J. (P.J.) Crowley previously served as a Senior Fellow and Director of Homeland Security at the Center for American Progress.....

....Prior to joining the Center for American Progress, he served as vice president of the Insurance Information Institute, focusing on strategic industry issues that included the impact of terrorism on commercial insurance in the aftermath of the World Trade Center tragedy.
There was a time when things like this would be scandalous. Now, they just illicit yawns.

h/t to Gateway Pundit

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