Sunday, August 29, 2010


If this doesn't get Governors like Rick Perry of Texas to publicly and forcefully stand with Arizona, I'm not sure anything will. Frankly, the state being sued by the Department of Justice for actually legally passing legislation that mirrors federal law should have been more than enough. This is over-the-top egregious. Barack Obama has now placed the state of Arizona in front of the U.N. Human Rights Council, which consists of nations that have set the world standard for human rights - Cuba, China, and Libya.

Via Gateway Pundit, HERE is the Obama administration's report - courtesy of Hillary's State Department - to the UN Council on Human Rights. Skip ahead to line 95 and 96, which say:
95. A recent Arizona law, S.B. 1070, has generated significant attention and debate at home and around the world. The issue is being addressed in a court action that argues that the federal government has the authority to set and enforce immigration law. That action is ongoing; parts of the law are currently enjoined.

96. President Obama remains firmly committed to fixing our broken immigration system, because he recognizes that our ability to innovate, our ties to the world, and our economic prosperity depend on our capacity to welcome and assimilate immigrants. The Administration will continue its efforts to work with the U.S. Congress and affected communities toward this end.
The implication should be clear. Our federal government is choosing not to enforce federal law and is not only penalizing a state for following it but is chastising that state in front of the United Nations for human rights violations. The President of the United States - and anyone who goes along with this, including Hillary Clinton - are siding with the UN over one of our country's own states.

Governor Brewer is not taking this laying down; she has responded in the form of a letter to Hillary Clinton.

Be sure to read it all.

Paging Rick Perry.........Paging Rick Perry.

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