Sunday, September 26, 2010


Marco Rubio and the Tea Party should be all over this one. Florida Governor Charlie Crist was a known RINO until being one was no longer politically expedient but talk about coming full circle. Crist is embracing the endorsement he's getting from disgraced former congressman and registered member of the Democratic Socialists of America caucus, Robert Wexler. If ever there was proof positive that RINO's do, in fact exist, this should do it.

Via the Palm Beach Post:
"He's a strong and respected leader in South Florida and he shares many of the same values as Charlie Crist," said Danny Kanner, the governor's campaign press secretary. "It's a major boost for us."

Since bolting from the GOP in March when it became clear he couldn't beat Republican Marco Rubio, Crist has been courting moderate and liberal voters. To win the three-way race, he needs to woo them from Democratic candidate U.S. Rep. Kendrick Meek.

Recent days have seen dueling endorsements. Vice President Joe Biden embraced Meek at a Democratic fund-raiser in Hollywood and said he and President Obama are "100 percent" behind his candidacy. Former Vice President Al Gore is to stump for Meek in Tampa on Friday.

Kanner declined to say which endorsement meant more - a Wexler nod or ones from Biden, Obama and Gore.
Oh, about Wexler being a registered socialist. HERE is the link.

h/t to Hapblog

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