Sunday, September 26, 2010


Ever since the Tea Party movement started, these 'Obama-as-Hitler' signs have been showing up at their rallies. The liberal media has been all too willing to focus on them in order to paint the Tea Party as hateful and racist. For some reason, that same liberal media continues to overlook what's at the bottom of these signs - a web address for the LaRouche PAC. Lyndon LaRouche is a far left socialist who has consistently failed to win the Democrat nomination for president because he's too far left for even them.

Though that doesn't prevent him from identifying himself as an FDR Democrat. I'd say they're infiltraitors but if they are, it makes no sense for them to have 'LaRouche PAC' plastered on their signs. If they're trying to kill two birds with one stone, that's not working much either.

It's apparently lost on the liberal media that when they show these protestors in their news reports about how racist the Tea Party is, they're actually just shining a light on the racism within their own ranks.

Ah, the irony.

Via Founding Bloggers

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