Wednesday, September 8, 2010


It would seem that these socialists running our government are finally starting to have their lives of blatant double standards coming home to roost. In response to the proposed Qur'an burning at a Florida church this upcoming September 11th, Hillary has called the scheduled event a 'disrespectful, disgraceful act'. Yet, when given the opportunity to vote for an amendment in 2006 that would have declared burning the U.S. flag unconstitutional, she cast the deciding vote against that amendment.

Via the AP:
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton on Tuesday called a Florida church's threat to burn copies of the Muslim holy book to mark the ninth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks a "disrespectful, disgraceful act."

Others in the Obama administration weighed in against the proposed burning, including Attorney General Eric Holder, who called it idiotic and dangerous. A State Department spokesman branded the planned protest "un-American" while other officials warned that it could threaten U.S. troops, diplomats and travelers overseas.
So it's idiotic, Un-American, disgraceful, disrespectful, and dangerous to burn the Qur'an but it's ok to burn the American flag?


Barack Obama also voted against the amendment in 2006 to declare flag burning illegal. Doesn't Hillary also speak for him as Secretary of State?

HERE is the entire list.

h/t Drudge

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