Thursday, September 9, 2010


CBS affiliate in New York reported the story of a black man who, after entering his home, told his wife to call the police while he went to get his AK-47. He suspected MS-13 gang members were going to do harm to his family. Five gang members showed up shortly thereafter, according to the homeowner, George Grier. After daring him to use the gun, more gang members appeared. Grier fired four warning shots into the ground, sending the gang members away.

It's exactly the kind of second amendment story that makes you feel good, right? Uh, not quite. Grier was arrested and charged with a felony for firing his weapon. Quoting from his attorney, John Lewis:
“What he’s initially charged with – A D felony reckless endangerment — requires a depraved indifference to human life, creating a risk that someone’s going to die. Shooting into a lawn doesn’t create a risk of anybody dying,” Lewis said.
The best part? Grier had the gun legally and has no criminal record.

Something continues to be very wrong in America. Where's Al Sharpton?

Via CBS 2

h/t to Jawa

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