Sunday, September 5, 2010


Welcome to a manifestation of the real reason Barack Obama was so agitated, he called out the Supreme Court during a joint session of Congress for its ruling in Citizens United vs. FEC. That case was about whether corporations could contribute to non-profits that were publishing / distributing books videos for or against political candidates close to an election. At issue was the ability of Citizens United to market a documentary about Hillary Clinton. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of Citizens United.

This case is slightly different in that it doesn't involve just corporations; it involves members of congress who have written a book titled, "Young Guns: A New Generation of Conservative Leaders" that Democrats apparently do not want released. In this case, three Republican congressmen - Eric Cantor (VA), Paul Ryan (WI), and Kevin McCarthy (CA) - are playing the role of Citizens United.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee’s attorneys sent Simon & Schuster a letter Thursday, hinting that the publisher may have violated several campaign finance laws that prohibit in-kind contributions by corporations by posting on its website a promotional video for a book penned by three top House Republicans.

At issue: the publishing house’s promotion of “Young Guns: A New Generation of Conservative Leaders” by Reps. Eric Cantor of Virginia, Kevin McCarthy of California and Paul Ryan of Wisconsin. The DCCC’s attorneys at Perkins Coie sent the New York-based publisher a letter saying it’s improper for a corporation to host a video on its website that directs viewers to a website that solicits contributions for Republican candidates for Congress.
The book is scheduled to be released on September 14 but the way the Democrats have been acting lately, look for the DCCC to sue the publisher - Simon & Shuster - or seek an injunction to have the book withheld, pending an FEC decision. In light of the Citizens United ruling, this takes on an added smack of arrogance on the part of the Democratic leadership.

Here is the promotional video for the book. Ironic that the title is "Young Guns" because this tactic on the part of the DCCC very well could backfire by giving it free publicity. To illustrate my point, this video came out last week and I didn't post it because it didn't do much for me. Now?

Kinda likin' it.

h/t to Gateway Pundit

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