Saturday, September 4, 2010


James J. Lee, the whack job that stormed Discovery Channel's Headquarters and demanded to be listened to, not only believed the 'planet does not need humans' but he was also a filmmaker before police removed him from the planet he advocated humans be removed from. He also attributed his 'awakening' to Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth. In 2008 - 2009, he filmed Christian protesters and questioned their right to do so; at one point, he suggested they should pray at home instead of out in the open while protesting.

More irony here is that based on this video - shot by Lee - he seems to have more in common with Timothy McVeigh than did McVeigh did with the Christian right. Like McVeigh, Lee was an agnostic (atheist). McVeigh once claimed that his religion was "science". Lee was obviously driven by pseudo-science if his "awakening" came at the hands of Al Gore.

Via Verum Serum

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