Friday, September 3, 2010


In much the same way Jimmy Carter should thank Obama for seizing the mantle as worst American president ever, Obama should thank Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick and TIME Magazine editor Richard Stengel for besting his 'Joe the Plumber' moment about spreading the wealth around being 'good for everybody.' First up, Deval. WTKK radio in Boston aired a Q & A segment in which Patrick was asked for his thoughts about Glenn Beck's rally on the anniversary on MLK's 'I have a dream speech' on 8/28.

The quote? "It's a free country. I wish it weren't."

Via Hot Air

Now, move on over to Stengel who, on Morning Joe, was discussing the Israeli / Palestinian 'Peace' talks. When the topic of the Israeli wall came up, Stengel delivers this gem: "The sad truth" is that "the wall actually worked". Hmmm, so it's a bad thing that innocent Israeli civilians weren't blown to bits?

CLICK HERE for video.

h/t to RCP

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