Friday, September 3, 2010


I almost didn't post this but the longer it went on, the more it became obvious that Michael Joseph Gross, writer for Vanity Fair, while justifying his reasons for quoting anonymous sources who claimed to have heard the Palins at their most intimate and inside their own home, was actually engaging in projection. Once you get past the profanity laden quotes he attributed to the Palins, pay attention to why he thought publishing these things was important. Every reason this guy gave sounded like he was describing what the mainstream media should have done with respect to Barack Obama.

For example, after being asked why Vanity Fair would quote such anonymous sources, this guy says things like:

* "I think it's important to know this character."
* "She is becoming so powerful in our society."
* "She's not subjecting herself to the normal interaction with the press that (other) politicians have."
* "Usually we expect that they're (politicians) are going to tell us the truth and we don't continually give them a pass when they've proven that they lie over and over again as she has."
* "The only time she treats people well is when other people are watching."

Gross then goes after Palin for claiming to represent average Americans when she really doesn't. Uh, that's Obama on steroids.

The entire exchange - and I mean entire exchange - is FULL OF Gross misapplying to Sarah Palin characteristics that should be applied to Obama. No exaggeration.

Then, for good measure I guess, he points to the unmitigated gall of Sarah Palin to tip bellhops and maids no more than a paltry "five bucks".

Via Breitbart

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