Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Just when you thought MSNBC's Chris 'Don't call it a tingle, it's a thrill' Matthews couldn't possibly get anymore mileage out of the thrill that runs up his leg every time he hears a Barack Obama speech, he delivers. This time, while talking about Obama's 2004 speech at the Democratic convention, Matthews confesses that the thrill has moved up his leg and is 'all over' him. Yes, that is a quote. He also gets defensive in this exchange when his 'thrill' is inadvertently mis-characterized as a 'tingle'.

There's also something to be said for how these left wingers stretch and strain to justify Obama by comparing him to Reagan, constantly trying to make the case that he measures up. Contrast what the right did when talking about Reagan compared to Carter, for example. They fought to draw as stark a contrast as possible.

via NewsBusters

Oh, one other thing about that 'thrill' Chris doesn't like. Make sure you get the direction correct. As Pat Buchanan found out, you shouldn't refer to the thrill as running "down" the leg. It runs "up" the leg. That makes sense in retrospect now. If the thrill rand down the leg, there would be no way for it to run 'all over' Chris.

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