Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Todd Gillman of the Dallas Morning News initially broke the story that Congressional Black Caucus member and Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-DAL) was funneling scholarship money to her relatives against CBC rules. CNN's Anderson Cooper did an excellent job challenging her during an interview subsequent to the report. Cooper is not backing off. Contrary to Johnson's claims that she was not that involved, deferring to her Chief of Staff, Cooper reads from letters, signed by the congresswoman that indicate she directed the CBC to make checks payable directly to family members instead of their universities.

This one is getting ugly and Eddie Bernice Johnson very well may end up in the same boat as Charlie Rangel and Maxine Waters before long. In fact, the Texas congresswoman (and registered member of the Democratic Socialists of America caucus) may have committed prosecutable crimes that are easier to understand than those committed by Rangel and Waters. Interestingly, both Rangel and Waters are registered socialists as well.

In case you missed Cooper's initial interview with Johnson, here it is...

h/t to HapBlog

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