Thursday, September 9, 2010


I never knew a video of a painting could be so powerful. John McNaughton is an artist who obviously sympathizes with the Tea Party movement. This painting is simply phenomenal. Watch the two minute video - you'll want to watch it again - to hear him explain the painting. The more you look at it, the more you'll see what McNaughton thinks of how our presidents treated our Constitution. A couple of my takeaways: If the president is applauding, McNaughton didn't think too highly of his contribution. Also, take a look at George W. Bush. He strikes me as a president who chose the wrong side in this battle in spite of his conscience.

One other take. For those Americans who think they're powerless to contribute to this extremely powerful movement known as the Tea Party - John McNaughton contributed mightily with a painting.

Click HERE for McNaughton's website.

h/t to Gateway Pundit.

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