Saturday, September 4, 2010


This should be a deal-breaker for the Ground Zero mosque. Whether it will be or not remains to be seen. Either way, it's safe to say that life has just been made more difficult for New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, who has publicly said he will not investigate the mosque's funding. Thanks to this extremely powerful news story from Fox News's New York affiliate, a GZ Mosque investor has been tied to the Holy Land Foundation, an Islamic charity that was convicted on over 100 counts back in 2008.

Via Fox 5 News:
One of the key players in Sharif El-Gamal's Mosque near Ground Zero is Egyptian born businessman, Hisham Elzanaty. Fox 5 News has learned exclusively and confirmed with Mr. Elzanaty’s attorney that Elzanaty made a “significant investment” in the development of the mosque near Ground Zero.
How about that contribution to HLF? 1999 Hisham Elzanaty sent money to an organization that would later be deemed by the U.S. government to be a terrorist group.

The organization was the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development, also known as HLF. The now defunct group’s 1999 tax records show Elzanaty contributed more than $6,000 to HLF.

Two years later, in 2001, HLF was shut down by the federal government and designated as a global terrorist. After a mistrial in 2007, in 2008 five HLF leaders were convicted of providing material support to Hamas.
The credibility of those who have been screaming that the HLF, the unindicted co-conspirators partnered with it, along with several other Islamic groups, all roll-up under the Muslim Brotherhood has yet again been bolstered.

This is a Must-See news report. Journalism may actually not be dead yet:

h/t to Free Republic

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