Friday, September 10, 2010


It still makes absolutely no sense to me why, of all the people Dove World Outreach Center pastor Terry Jones could meet with - at this point, he could probably meet with whomever he chooses - why he settled on Imam Muhammad Musri of the Islamic Society of Central Florida (ISCF), who has already been tied to the funding of Hamas. Not surprisingly, Jones now feels he was lied to by Musri, who he claims told him that if the Qur'an burning was called off, the Ground Zero mosque would be moved.

After getting Jones's buy in, Musri has apparently backtracked on his end of the deal, according to Jones. At a press conference after his meeting with Musri, as well as a phone call with Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Jones gives the hint he is not happy with Musri, saying that he will take him at his word about the Ground Zero mosque.


Apparently, Terry Jones now feels he's been lied to by Musri about the Ground Zero mosque and appears to be re-thinking things. Via the AP:
The Rev. Terry Jones said Thursday he would call off the planned burning of Qurans based on a deal negotiated with the president of the Islamic Society of Central Florida that the location of a mosque planned near ground zero in New York would be changed.

But Imam Muhammad Musri said he was clear on Thursday when he told Jones that he could only set up a meeting with planners of the New York City mosque, whose leader said he had spoken to neither the pastor nor Musri. Jones responded by opening the door, if only a crack, that he would go forward with his plan on Saturday.

"We are just really shocked," Jones said of Musri. "He clearly, clearly lied to us."
The meeting's postscript obviously turned into a "he said / she said" moment. Was it recorded? Were there witnesses to the conversation?

Apart from the controversy of actually burning the Qur'ans, I keep coming back to Musri. Imam Rauf in New York said he hadn't spoken with either Musri or Jones about the scheduled burnings but how well does he know Musri? That would open up an entirely new can of worms because if Rauf is connected to Musri, it would be yet another bright red flag relative to the funding of the Ground Zero mosque.

More on Musri HERE.

h/t to Gateway Pundit

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