Friday, September 10, 2010


Even if you disagree with conflating the issues of the Qur'an burning and the ground zero mosque - which are becoming even more linked in light of the recent developments between the claims of Dove World Outreach Center pastor and Imam Muhammad Musri of the Islamic Society of Central Florida - there is one thing that links both together inextricably; that thing is the first amendment. In the case of the mosque, it's a freedom of religion issue. In the case of the Qur'an burning, it's a freedom of speech issue.

Rewind to August 14th, the day after Barack Obama announced that he supported the right of the Cordoba Initiative to build their mosque at Ground Zero. After his controversial remarks one day earlier in front of a Muslim audience at the White House, Obama was confronted in New Orleans about his support of the Mosque.

Take note of what he says here about not commenting on the "wisdom" of the decision.

Fast forward to September 9th. While on Good Morning America, Obama is asked about the proposed Qur'an burning scheduled to take place in Gainesville, FL. For some reason, he feels compelled here to comment on the wisdom of the decision for a full three minutes.

Same First Amendment; different standard. One last thing before watching. In 2006, Barack Obama cast the deciding vote against an Amendment that would have made burning the U.S. flag illegal.

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