Wednesday, September 15, 2010


As the Tea Party celebrates the victory of Christine O'Donnell over RINO Mike Castle in Delaware, it's also rallying behind the man who beat Rick Lazio in New York for the Republican nomination for Governor. Both ran powerful ads on their opposition to the Ground Zero mosque. Lazio's focused on the Democrat nominee Andrew Cuomo, as Attorney General being unwilling to investigate the Imam or the funding despite countless red flags. The ad was powerful but Paladino focused on how he was going to prevent the mosque - by using eminent domain laws.

Not sure if this played into Paladino's landslide victory against Lazio but I thought it was a nice distinction. Interestingly, the number is now 71% of New Yorkers oppose the mosque. Paladino is with that majority. Conversely, Cuomo continues to treat that 71% the same way Obama treated the majority of Americans who opposed his health care legislation.

HERE is Paladino's website and Ground Zero mosque ad:

Here is Lazio's ad, which Paladino can still use in his campaign against Cuomo as it's very good too.

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