Wednesday, September 15, 2010


The Tea Party rages while Karl Rove is letting his mask slip, revealing a more devout Republican establishment operative in Rove than perhaps most had previously thought. Last night, when it became apparent that Delaware conservative Tea Party candidate Christine O'Donnell, Rove offered not one word of congratulations. Instead, he derided her character and continue the politics of personal destruction against the person who won his party's nomination for his party the Senate seat.

Rove actually attacked O'Donnell for taking nearly "two decades" to pay back her college loans. For the record, yours truly is working on three decades paying mine back.

The next morning, O'Donnell appeared on Good Morning America and addressed Rove's comments on Hannity, saying that he had to eat some "humble pie".

Now we have word that Rove may have overreached in his attack of O'Donnell. It is being reported that behind the scenes, he was actively working to cut a "deal" that would get the Tea Party to withdraw its support for O'Donnell. Via the Freedomist:
Sources at the Christine O’Donnell victory party revealed to The Freedomist that in December of last year Karl Rove met with Tea Party leaders in Dover, Delaware trying to get them to cut a “deal” in which they would leave Mike Castle alone and NOT support O’Donnell.

The Freedomist has also learned that Rove was allegedly acting as an operative, although in what capacity it is not known, even as he is playing the role of a political analyst on Fox New in a fair and balanced way.
I sense an "X" factor in the works. Karl Rove is literally despised by the left and has been for years. Will O'Donnell's likability among Democrats increase as her victory in particular, and the Tea Party victories in general pit the Tea Party against establishment operatives like Rove?

h/t to Gateway Pundit


Via Johnny Dollar:

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