Friday, September 10, 2010


The only thing that could possibly open a bigger can of worms than a pastor burning Qur'ans might just be what Pat Buchanan is advocating here - imprisoning that pastor if he refuses to stand down. This is over-the-top egregious on the part of Buchanan. Does he have any idea what this could lead to?

Why wouldn't Buchanan call for the imprisoning of Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf if he didn't refuse to abandon the ground zero mosque idea? That mosque would largely be seen by Islamists as a recruiting tool, thereby endangering American lives. If a pastor can be imprisoned for burning books, what next?

Petraeus took an oath to defend the U.S. Constitution. Ostensbily, that's one of the primary reasons he's leading our troops in Afghanistan. If Buchanan's advice is heeded, the Constitution Petraeus has taken an oath to defend will have been assailed here at home.

If you were confused about why we're in Afghanistan before, imprisoning a man for exercising his first amendment rights will only compound that confusion.

Via NewsBusters:

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