Saturday, September 18, 2010


Another Big Get over at Breitbart's Big Government website. It makes for an extremely interesting development in light of Nancy Pelosi's 2009 claim that Tea Parties are Nazi-esque and generated via astro-turf tactics, an art perfected by senior Obama advisor David Axelrod. Thanks to a camera phone, we see that Pelosi may have a bit of a projection problem on her hands - blaming others for what her side actually does. We see that not only is it the left that engages in these Nazi-esque and astro-turf tactics but thanks to video in this case, we see that it involves a specific individual tied to Nancy Pelosi directly.

Just to whet the appetite, here is that important video from August of 2009 that proves very pertinent. Nancy Pelosi accuses the Tea Party of using "Swastikas" and "Astro-turf".

Now, a couple of word definitions to keep in mind..
1.) Astro-turfing - apparently grassroots-based citizen groups or coalitions that are primarily conceived, created and/or funded by corporations, industry trade associations, political interests or public relations firms.

2.) Projection - the tendency to ascribe to another person feelings, thoughts, or attitudes present in oneself, or to regard external reality as embodying such feelings, thoughts, etc., in some way.
Now on to the Big Government expose.

Fast forward to the protest this month. Illinois' 11th District features a race between GOP candidate Adam Kinzinger and Rep. Debbie Halvorson (D). Not only are these left wing protesters holding pictures of Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, and Kinzinger with Hitler mustaches but as you stick with the video, you'll see them enter the campaign office of Halvorson; even more telling than that is who is seen in that office, appearing to chuckle over the events that had just transpired.

Her name is Julie Merz. Big Government claims that not only does Merz happen to be Halvorson's campaign manager but she was recently - possibly at the time Nancy smeared the Tea Parties - an assistant to Pelosi. More at Pantagraph.

Anyway, here is the video of the protest followed by the protesters' visit to Merz's office. Merz is seen at the end of the video wearing a green shirt inside the campaign office.

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