Saturday, October 2, 2010


Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) is one of 70 members of congress who are registered members of the Democratic Socialists of America caucus. That doesn't stop her from going on the Stephanie Miller show to label conservatives who want to restore America to a nation founded on the Constitution. She even has come up with a new name for Tea Party members who believe in the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution.

In Jan's world, they're called "Tenthers" and should be considered "extreme." When you couple her being a registered socialist with her disdain for the Constitution, it makes sense that she'd be a little worked up about it.

Via The Blaze

One more thing on Schakowsky. Not only is she a registered socialist with the DSA caucus but she was one of Obama's four choices given to Blago to fill his senate seat after Valerie Jarrett was out of the running. She's also the woman in this now infamous rant about health care.

Remember, Schakowsky believes the Tea Party is extreme....

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