Sunday, October 3, 2010


On October 2nd, the socialists of America held a protest in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. - an obvious attempt to match or exceed the turnout of the 'Restore America' rally on August 28th. How'd they do? Uh, not so good. In fact, even POLITICO and the AP couldn't bring themselves to omit the very obvious reality that the 'One Nation' rally came up far short of expectations or matching Glenn Beck's rally in August.

Via Politico:
Organizers said they were expecting more than 100,000 to attend the rally. Thousands of people packed the area around the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, but based on an unscientific estimate there were significantly fewer people than when Fox News’ Glenn Beck hosted the conservative “Restoring Honor” rally there Aug. 28. At that rally, attendees were forced to stand shoulder to shoulder the entire length of the Reflecting Pool.
Another very important distinction is that the August 28th rally consisted of people who were not provided transportation from Unions / taxpayer dollars to get there, unlike the socialist rally.

Don't believe me? Check out this video compilation of the 'One Nation' rally.

h/t Verum Serum

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