Saturday, October 23, 2010


It's amazing to watch this Obama Justice Department rack up cases it refuses to prosecute - like the voter intimidation case involving the Black Panthers - or the bogus ones it files - like suing Arizona for enforcing its own immigration law. There is another one that has been around for 40 years that consists of mounting evidence that Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn were involved in the murder of a San Francisco police officer named Brian McDonnell on February 16, 1970.

FBI Informant Larry Grathwohl testified under oath that Bill Ayers told him that Dohrn placed the bomb in front of the Park Police station that killed McDonnell. This is not new but evidence continues to mount and there is no statue of limitations on murder. Via World Net Daily:
"My greatest fear today is that the Department of Justice (under Obama appointee Eric Holder) will protect these terrorists by blocking an attempt to bring them to justice," Grathwohl said. "Consider that President Obama held his first fundraiser at the home of Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dorhn when he was running for the state Senate in Illinois.

"Do you think there might be some resistance to placing these two people on trial for the murder of Brian McDonnell? These are President Obama's friends. He and Bill served on a board and appeared at functions together."

Grathwohl said a resolution would be for Congress to act.

"I urge the new Congress to create a committee or subcommittee to facilitate the efforts of law enforcement in bringing terrorists to justice. For example, a new House Internal Security Committee can assist in that regard. The Senate could consider reinstating a Senate Internal Security subcommittee. Such committees should also investigate the groups that represent a current danger to the internal security of this country," he said.
It was reported last year that the DOJ and local law enforcement put pressure on a group of retired San Francisco police officers to stop talking about this case but a group known as the Phoenix task force has remained undeterred in its efforts to investigate.
Of the McDonnell bombing, Grathwohl has quoted Ayers saying, "It was a success. But it's a shame when someone like Bernardine has to make all the plans, make the bomb and then place it herself. She should have to do only the planning."

In the conference remarks, Grathwohl said, "The charges have not yet been brought in this 'cold case' but I can tell you that a law enforcement entity called the Phoenix Task Force is working to solve the murder of Sergeant McDonnell as well as other police officers who died in the line of duty during that period of Weather Underground violence and terrorism."

Grathwohl continued, "Justice can still be done. And that is why I am here today. I have recently met with the lieutenant in charge of the Phoenix Task Force. … He assures me that the effort remains focused and the motivation is to gather the evidence and bring the killers to justice. I should add that the murder of Sergeant John Young by the Black Liberation Army when they attacked the Ingleside Police Station in 1971 has been solved and successfully prosecuted."
As this conservative ascendancy continues, if the Phoenix Task Force brings enough evidence to the fore one day, perhaps justice will be done. In either case, this is yet another headache for Eric Holder.

HERE are Grathwohl's prepared remarks at the October 21st conference.

Read it all.

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