Saturday, October 23, 2010


Tamika Francis attempted to participate in early voting at a Fiesta grocery store in Houston and was turned away because she had a Barack Obama t-shirt on. She was told it either goes inside out or goes away. She didn't accept it and called local television news reporters from KHOU out to have her story told. Tamika obviously stuck around until they showed up. I'm not saying she DID call them but odds are good.

She then attempts to make the argument that because Obama is not in the election, she should be allowed to wear the shirt. Uh, not so much. Indignant, Tamika demanded that the Harris County Clerk show her the law that prohibits such a thing. Hector de Leon obliged by citing Texas Election code 85.036, which says:
“...during the time of an early voting polling place is open for the conduct of early voting, a person may not electioneer for or against any candidate, measure, or political party in or within 100 feet of an outside door through which a voter may enter the building or structure in which the early voting polling place is located.”
Tamika was at the Fiesta store with her mother. Did it seem like the camera was focusing on the mother's walking cane or is that just me?


h/t Gateway Pundit

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