Tuesday, October 5, 2010


For the Truthers out there, allow me to reiterate that I have not come over to your side; not even close. That said, the story of what is known as 'Able Danger' is getting new life courtesy of witnesses and a new document. Lead hijacker on 9/11, Mohammed Atta, according to five witnesses, had been identified as a threat at least one year prior to 9/11.

Via Fox News:
Lt. Col Tony Shaffer, an operative involved with Able Danger, said he was interviewed three times by Defense investigators. He claims it was an effort to wear down the witnesses and intimidate them. Two other witnesses, one a military contractor and the other a retired military officer, said they had the same experience. The two witnesses spoke to Fox News on the condition of anonymity because they said they feared retaliation. A fifth witness told Fox that statements to investigators were ignored.

"My last interview was very, very hostile," Shaffer told Fox News last month before he was ordered by the department not to discuss portions of his book, "Operation Dark Heart," which included a chapter on the Able Danger data mining project.
Here's a video from the "Operation Dark Heart" website on the book burning:

For the record, those who believe the U.S. government orchestrated the attacks on 9/11 are still nuts. The assertion that the Feds were tracking Mohammad Atta well before those attacks and didn't act, is far more believable. This would mean a CYA on the part of the Feds. If true, it would share many similarities to claims made about the Oklahoma City bombing.

h/t to Free Republic

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