Tuesday, October 5, 2010


U.S. Attorney Christopher Coates, who used to work in the voting section of the civil rights division of the Justice Department appears to be getting called a liar by Attorney General Eric Holder. On September 23rd, Coates testified that his superiors in the Department made it very well known that cases involving black defendants were not to be brought. Coates named names and did so under oath. His claims corroborated the claims of J. Christian Adams, who testified earlier.

Now Attorney General Eric Holder is basically calling Coates a liar. Via Fox News:
Attorney General Eric Holder on Monday pushed backed against those who accuse the Justice Department of enforcing civil rights laws based on race, saying people need to just "look at the facts."

"The notion that we are enforcing any civil rights laws -- voting or others -- on the basis of race, ethnicity or gender is simply false," Holder said.
It would seem Mr. Holder has a bit of a credibility problem. Unlike Coates and Adams, Holder hasn't testified under oath. Perhaps he should refrain from levying such charges until he does so.

For some reason, this just came to mind..

h/t to Weasel Zippers

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