Saturday, October 9, 2010


Wrap your head around this one. On October 7th, a recording captured an associate of Democrat candidate for Governor of California Jerry Brown calling his female opponent, Meg Whitman a 'whore' and one day later, the National Organization for Women (NOW) endorses Jerry Brown's candidacy. A more glistening and steaming pile of cow dung hypocrisy you will never find. If this scenario isn't proof positive that NOW has no interest in defending women but instead, furthering an agenda, those who don't see it (some of which are women by the way), are brain dead.

Via the LA Times:
Jerry Brown announced he has received the endorsement of the National Organization for Women, less than 24 hours after the emergence of a recorded message in which Brown can be heard in a conversation with advisors in which someone calls Whitman a "whore." Coincidence? You be the judge.

Whitman's campaign pounced after the audio was made public, sending out a release Thursday night from spokeswoman Sarah Pompei calling the use of the term "an insult to both Meg Whitman and to the women of California. This is an appalling and unforgivable smear against Meg Whitman. At the very least Mr. Brown tacitly approved this despicable slur and he himself may have used the term at least once on this recording."

As if on cue, Brown's campaign Friday released the endorsement from NOW championing Brown's record on women's rights. "As Governor, Mayor, and Attorney General, Jerry Brown has promoted and defended women’s rights,” said California NOW President Patty Bellasalma.
Perhaps Christine O'Donnell can now add NOW President Patty Bellasalma to her list of people to quote.

h/t to Weasel Zippers

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