Sunday, October 3, 2010


This is getting to be comical. In so many ways, this 'One Nation' rally was the perfect metaphor. If the turnout at this rally compared to the turnout at the 'Restore Honor' rally is a foreshadowing of voter turnout on November 2nd, many of the Tea Party candidates that are currently in tight races - or even behind - have reason to be hopeful. Sharron Angle and Christine O'Donnell would certainly benefit.

Another metaphor is found in the blatant lie that was told by Joe Madison about the crowd size at 'One Nation' compared to the numbers at 'Restore Honor.' Well, perhaps "blatant" is the wrong word. "Deceptively blatant" might be better. Watch as Madison says a satellite image shows there were more people at the 'One Nation' rally than were there on 'August 29th.' Technically, he didn't lie because Beck's rally was on August 28th but you get the point.

Via MediaIte:

Perhaps this is why Madison felt compelled to add that little twist. Check out these pictures, one from August 28th and the other from October 2nd. While it's not known what time of day each photos was taken, check out the reflections of the trees in the water. It appears the sun was about in the same location based on those reflections. Madison may have even been wrong about the 29th. There may have been more people the day after the August 28th rally than were there ON the October 2nd rally.

The first photo is from October 2nd and the next one from August 28th.

Via The Blaze:

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