Monday, October 18, 2010


The important premise to remember here, before watching this, is that Meghan McCain has done nothing on her own to warrant a seat on ABC's 'This Week.' The only reason she has the opportunity is because she's John McCain's daughter. I wouldn't begrudge her for that except that while ripping Christine O'Donnell, she zeroes in on the senate candidate's lack of experience. She then also says O'Donnell comes across as a 'nutjob' - presumably a reference to the 'witch' controversy. Note, McCain made no reference to Hillary being a 'nutjob' for talking to the dead while in the White House.

Anyway, watch as George Will utterly embarrasses McCain by referring to her previous point as 'not astute' while likely also leaving her wondering what the word 'taughtological' meant.

Via The Blaze

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