Monday, October 18, 2010


When the Obama administration begins to lose folks at MSNBC over the administration's charge that the Chamber of Commerce is using foreign money to produce ads, it should be a sign for the White House to find another issue to demagogue. On MSNBC's 'Morning Joe,' Mika Brzezinski brought up the fact that the Democrats have accepted $1 million from foreign companies via PACs. Basically, Mika was laying the groundwork for a debate that says the White House is made of glass and its occupants are throwing stones. She even referred to Obama's untraceable donations.

Click HERE to watch.

That obviously got under the skin of someone in the administration because one hour later, Mika produced and read an email she had received from the White House in response to what she brought up earlier.

Click HERE to see Mika read the letter from the White House.

via RCP

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