Monday, October 4, 2010


The various assortment of videos from the October 2nd 'One Nation' rally are trickling in. The rally was supposed to be the left's response to the hugely more successful 'Restoring Honor' rally back on August 28th. What I find incredibly telling is the level of anger that exists within these protesters. The Tea Party is angry at the massive growth of government and the Obama agenda. You'd think the people at the 'One Nation' would be thrilled with how much Obama has been able to get done.

Uh, not so much. First up is a woman who objects to being caught on video...

Next, a montage of clips from the crowd from Reason.TV

Possibly the most telling video is of a Parks employee responsible for cleaning up around the Lincoln Memorial. His identity is protected per his request but it's obvious that he prefers the Tea Party crowd to the leftwing socialists when it comes to clean-up duty. Also, keep in mind the size of the Tea Party rally on August 28th compared with the October 2nd 'One Nation' rally.

Via Breitbart

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