Friday, December 17, 2010


During Ed Schultz's December 15th radio show, his producer James Holm was talking on the air about Obama's meeting with the top CEO's in the country. Holm turned his attention to how much money those CEO's were sitting on. The amount totaled $1.9 Trillion according to him. Holm was disgusted by the fact that those CEO's weren't giving up that money and suggested that people who agree with him should 'put a gun to their head' as a remedy.

CLICK HERE for the audio.

Aside from the incendiary rhetoric, Holm's paradigm is disturbingly fascinating. The reason those CEO's have $1.9 Trillion is because they earned it. The reason our government is in hock to the tune of $14 Trillion is because it DIDN'T and then proceeded to mismanage it. Holm is literally advocating the confiscation of wealth from those who create more of it and giving it to those who squander it. How can a mind be so twisted that it views such a notion as rational?

h/t to NewsBusters

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